Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm
Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm Podcast
Sparkle Time, Read-Aloud

Sparkle Time, Read-Aloud

Why I'm a badass lady-farmer and still single

Honestly, I’m kind of freaking out right now to share this audio version of Sparkle Time. It took me soooo many attempts to get something I considered passable, and then I had to learn how to use an editor to tidy the track up. Even this─I know─is very likely poor quality compared to some podcasters, but I hope it will serve as a start and I will learn as we go.

Then, there’s the subject matter…sharing personal information about my relationships is scary. Yet, it’s all part of my farm-journey and those experiences as much as any other have made me who I am today. I can’t ignore that.

If the story of my own mental struggles and the role men have played in those struggles can help another woman overcome whatever she might be going through. If I can offer a ray of hope or an iota of confidence to another woman, encouraging them to follow their own path to authenticity─then I must be brave. We never know how far the ripples on the water will travel, or who our words might reach. We can only put our work out there and hope it makes a difference some way.

I hope this piece inspires you to seek out more Sparkle Time in your life this week. Much love, my friends!

Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm
Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm Podcast
Recanting the misadventures of one lady-farmer and tree-hugging activist from the western mountains of Maine. Stories and essays on farm-life, nature-connectedness and learning to live an authentic life.