Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm
Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm Podcast
A Chorus of Maaa'ing, Read-Aloud

A Chorus of Maaa'ing, Read-Aloud

Turn-out day at Runamuk Acres

Amidst a rousing chorus of maaa’ing this lady-farmer brought electric fences online last week, turning the flock of sheep out on fresh green-grass. As I watched them greedily devouring the plant-life, I gave thanks for the journey that brought me here, and for the opportunity to do work that brings meaning to my existence. Listen to the latest farm-update, but to see videos of the waterfalls mentioned in the story, or to weigh in on the topic of crowdfunding, click on over to the text-version.

Much love to you and yours, my friends.

Your friendly neighborhood farmer,


donation tips
Tipping is not madatory, but always appreciated!

Thank you for following along with the story of this lady-farmer! It is truly a privilege to live this life serving my family and community, and protecting wildlife through agricultural conservation. Check back soon for more updates from the farm, and be sure to follow @RunamukAcres on Instagram or Facebook!

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Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm
Runamuk Acres Conservation Farm Podcast
Recanting the misadventures of one lady-farmer and tree-hugging activist from the western mountains of Maine. Stories and essays on farm-life, nature-connectedness and learning to live an authentic life.