Helen thrashed, kicking at my face from her awkward position. Flipped over onto her bum, back resting against our guest-helper who supported her from behind, she was fairly incapacitated.
Helen is, of course, one of Runamuk’s nine sheep.
Welcome to the latest Updates From the Farm! If you are new here, I invite you to check out my About page to learn what this is, who I am and why I am doing this. Or just dive right in! At “Runamuk Acres” you’ll find the recantings of one lady-farmer and tree-hugging activist from the western mountains of Maine. #foodieswanted
In This Post:
A Sheep’s Pedicure
Pregnancy Progress
Beebe’s Continued Recovery
Over at School
On the Authory Side of Things
I Talk to Trees
A Sheep’s Pedicure
Contrary to popular opinion in the Sheep-Shed—I wasn’t hurting Helen. Rather, we were providing her with a lavish sheep’s pedicure. Helen’s hooves had grown so long they looked like Dutchman’s clogs—or clown-shoes even! Long and curving upwards at the end.
That couldn’t be comfortable.
Upon closer inspection, I found one of Helen’s hooves had actually cracked due to the pressure put on the “nail”.
The hooves of critters like sheep and goats are very much like fingernails, growing around the foot to protect it from weather and debris. As such, they require regular maintenance—just as your own fingernails would.
Typically, I’ll have my shearer trim hooves while she’s got each animal immobilized like this, but sometimes once a year isn’t enough. In this instance, two of the nine sheep at Runamuk had grown these long “clogs”, whereas everyone else’s feet looked fine.
Now that I’m working off-farm five days a week, coordinating with BraeTek (who still leaves for the weekend to visit his father) to tackle such a task has been hit or miss. I know a lot of us are veering away from Facebook and Instagram, but for this local farm, those avenues are still the best way I can reach my community. Both to promote available products—and to reach out for help when the need arises.
These hooves had been on my mind for a few weeks now, and it was time to do something about it.
On Friday afternoon, I posted to the Kingfield Community Forum on Facebook seeking a volunteer helper, and within half an hour I had Bekah Rhein lined up for the following morning.
For locals to the Kingfield and Carrabassett Valley region of Maine who are reading, Bekah Rhein is a local artist and wellness coach at River Remedies. With a passion for sustainable living, Bekah works weekends at Rolling Fatties (fatties are burritos btw) as she builds her life toward the goal of having her own homestead some day soon. If you see her, be sure to tell her Sam says “Hi!”
With the help of some graham crackers I’d provided, Bekah first befriended the sheep—and then she befriended Beebe (more about Beebe’s continuing recovery below), who had been barking indignantly from the sidelines, still tethered to her doghouse.
Then, corralling the sheep into the shed with a bit of grain in a cup, Bekah closed the gate behind us.
It took a couple of years to figure out that a smaller holding-space makes all the difference when it comes to catching sheep, lol. We used to be running them down, which was frustrating, exhausting and futile. Now I’ve got the tricks figured out, however, it’s fairly simple for two people to stand on either side of the animal to grab it.
Bekah and I snagged the first offender, flipping her over onto her rump, and my guest-helper knelt on the floor-litter, holding the sheep upright. That allowed me to get at the hooves to trim and clean them up.
While we had them, we gave each of these girls a topical lice-treatment, as I’ve noticed signs of parasites aggravating the sheep. Last winter I wrote a post about some things no one warned me about sheep, including wool-slippage due to parasites like lice. Yuck!
Now that I know, though, I can stay on top of the issue.
It’s very much like applying flea and tick treatment to your dog or cat, with the exception that instead of applying to just one spot on the back of the neck—this pesticide is applied all the way along the spine of the sheep. We parted four inches of wool to reveal the pink skin underneath and dribbled the permethrin from head to tail.
While we treated just the two ewes today, sometime in the next couple of weeks the entire flock will get the same treatment. They’ll also get an oral drench that will reduce internal parasites, as well as combating another type of lice that isn’t deterred by the topical stuff.
I like to do this well in advance of lambing season so that the flock is healthy and parasite-free (or as close to it as can be) before the babies arrive. They’ll also get a CDT vaccination six to eight weeks before lambing.
Pregnancy Progress
As far as lambing goes, we’re just on the other side of the halfway point with ten weeks gestation remaining.
Up to this point, it’s impossible to know who is expecting and who isn’t. Small farms and homesteads like mine typically can’t afford the cost of a vet and ultrasound, so it’s something of a wait-and-see game. Some of the girls are starting to look suspiciously wide, though…
I’ve been strict with the hay so far: half a bale in the morning and half in the evening. No more. No less.
In this later part of the pregnancy, we’ll start to see appetites increase and I’ll increase rations for hay and grain as the weeks pass. When lambing grows imminent I like to introduce corn, sweet feed and alfalfa pellets to ensure rich and bountiful milk production.
If everything went according to plan, all seven ewes should be expecting.
*****Stay tuned for updates, videos from the lamb-cams and udder-checks as lambing season approaches!*****
Beebe’s Continued Recovery
We kept Beebe in the house for three days after her return from hospital last week, but by the fourth day there was no keeping her cooped up any longer.
With a personality as big as she, Beebe needs to work—else she gets up to mischief.
Resuming our pre-hospitalization routine, she goes “to work” in the morning when we’re tending the livestock. She spends the day outside, “guarding” the sheep. Then, in the evening she’s brought inside the farmhouse for the night.
Although, she’s still taking medication with each meal, she is much recovered and back to being her larger-than-life self.
*****Thank you so much to those who upgraded memberships or sent donations on Beebe’s behalf! With your support I was able to pay the first half of the $1300 expense, and still make my car payment! Much love to you and yours!!!*****
Over at School
Meanwhile, over at school, all my little menu changes finally caught up with me this week. We all knew I’d have a hard time with the food at school and I admit that continues to be a struggle for me. When you have to compromise your values to earn a paycheck, it puts you between a rock and a hard place.
Certain I was about to be fired, I met with my food service supervisor, the school principal and the district superintendent on Friday for a mid-year review.
The fact of the matter is that they need me as much as I need them right now. I dunno what it’s like elsewhere, but here in Maine public schools are struggling to attract enough staff. If I walked, they’d have no one to replace me.
All three supervisors fairly gushed about the difference I’ve made at Kingfield Elementary, making it abundantly clear they didn’t want to lose me.
Largely the issues came down to the fact that I am still learning the job, I think. Still learning what I can—and can’t—get away with, lol.
I cannot be content to just heat and serve. It’s not in my nature.
For better or worse, they hired a farmer to run their school-kitchen. I no longer apologize for who I am—a product of my farmish-journey. I will always want people—especially kids—to be eating wholesome and real food.
Our food service supervisor is new to her management role, too—so lots of learning and growth for her as well. I think we have a better understanding of each other now...
I’m not going to stop fighting for better food, though I will do my part to communicate better and find out exactly how far I can push that line.
On the Authory Side of Things
On Blackstone Mountain
For those following the tale of Josie and Ben, I apologize for the extended delay on the forthcoming Chapter 10. In spite of the general stress and chaos of the last two weeks, I have been pecking away at this next piece, though it’s been a bit of a slog.
This is the part of the story where I tend to struggle as a writer, but knowing there are a handful of people out there reading along and looking forward to the next chapter motivates me to keep trying. That bit of pressure is exactly why I decided to serialize my fiction-writing in the first place. I knew your support would compel me to keep going so that I could actually complete the book—rather than allow the story to languish.
Refusing to give up, I have three different drafts for , Chapter 10, lol. I finally finished one of them, but I’m not happy with it. It feels boring to me—so I’m going to write a fourth draft. I’ll publish both completed versions and leave it open to feedback.
*****Read my farm-themed romantic fiction novel over at Wild Hearts & Harvests!*****
The Homesteaders’ Handbook
The next piece of the Homesteaders’ Handbook, however, is little more than a concept at this point. Though I’m hoping to have that out before the end of the month, along with a video tour of the farm. Two pieces a month seems fair—both to paid subscribers and to me—the writer/farmer/lunch-lady.
*****Check out The Homesteaders’ Handbook for more information on this series on self-reliance.*****
I Talk to Trees
This weekend has been a welcome reprieve from the bitter cold we’ve experienced these last couple weeks. To reward myself for seeing to the sheeps’ pedicures, I took a walk on the field with the two dogs yesterday.
Breathing deeply of the cool, crisp air as I skittered across the icy snow, I gazed lovingly on the big pines bordering Runamuk’s ten-acre pasture. I was heartened to see them standing strong and proud, familiar sentinels at the edge of my domain, realizing, too, that I’d missed them.
Since this past summer, the same thought has been tumbling around in my head: What if those trees are as happy to see me as I am to see them?
What if they’re watching me when I’m tending the sheep, walking the dogs or having one of my little field parties on a Friday night—radio blaring from the car with a beer in my hand?
Do they watch my struggles? My joys?
Do they watch me cop-a-squat behind their trunk to take a pee?
We’re still learning nature’s secrets, but research over the last thirty years has discovered “a profound intelligence throughout nature”.
I honestly believe these woods and trees, bushes, shrubs, wildflowers and grasses even—are as happy to see me as I am to see them.
It makes a difference, I think—when you approach all things with love and compassion. Your vibe matters and I’ve tried to take that loving mentality with me wherever I go. From my family to the farm, to school and back again to field and forest.
I talk to trees just as I’d talk to any houseplant: “Hello! It is I—your friendly neighborhood farmer! So happy to see you!”
Or: “My, my—aren’t you looking handsome today!”
And: “Just look at those blossoms! Would you mind if I just (sniff)-have a (double sniff)—little sniff?” (deeply inhales the heavenly fragrance.)
And, of course, I hug them—trees, sheep, dogs—kiddos at school, lol.
I’m sending YOU a mental hug right now! Thank you just for being here!
Sending love and good juju to you and yours.
Your friendly neighborhood farmer,
Thank you for following along with the story of this lady-farmer! It is truly a privilege to live this life serving my family and community, and protecting wildlife through agricultural conservation. Check back soon for more updates from the farm, and be sure to follow @RunamukAcres on Instagram or Facebook!
Go Beebe! Wonderful news about school.
Talk to trees. Talk to plants. Talk to animals. Talk to computers. Talk to machines. I do this to all of them. And they all seem to like it and cooperate better with me. Of course you have to be careful. I’ve had people get really cranky because their dog loves me best after 3 minutes. And the people who snarl after their computers start working once I touch….
Now if only it were as easy for me to convince myself to do the same with people as it is with dogs and computers….
Good job on the school! Lol😳🤦🏻♀️